In the realm of gaming, introducing a groundbreaking cloud-based platform demanded an equally innovative approach. Tasked with creating a commercial for Google's Stadia, the first-of-its-kind cloud-based gaming platform, my role was to bring the unconventional and future-forward essence of Stadia to life. The commercial aimed to disrupt the conventional gaming landscape dominated by bulky consoles, presenting Stadia as a paradigm shift. With the tagline "Unthink The Things You Think Are Things," the challenge was to craft a two-minute introductory spot that pushed the boundaries of traditional gaming perceptions. My contribution involved translating the finalized script into a dynamic boardomatic that went beyond static frames, employing motion and audio to vividly illustrate the narrative to the client. This boardomatic served as a visual blueprint, mirroring the final spot's impact while utilizing mockups and audio to narrate the compelling story of Google Stadia.
Team - Omelet
Josh Smutko, Creative Director
Raul Montes, Creative Director
Tiffani Lam, Associate Creative Director
Ernesto Campabadal, Associate Creative Director
Megan Nakazawa, Art Director
Hannah Moore, Senior Brand Manager
Anthony Fernandez, Brand Manager
Riley Strand, Senior Strategist
Kristin Rogers, Editor​​​​​​​

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